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The 68K Family

I was in the right place at the right time. In the late 1970s I was a postgraduate working on digital data transmission and considering the use of microprocessors, rather than dedicated logic, at the time microprocessors were becoming available.  For various reasons, I became involved with the Motorola 68000 family.

The 68000 family, or 68K, was one of the first so-called 16-bit microprocessors and a contemporary of Intel's 8086. Unlike the Intel processor, the 68K did not attempt to be backward compatible with a company’s earlier 8-bit chip. The 68K was first marketed at the end of 1980 (two years after Intel’s 8086). Although the 68K was a new design, its architecture was influenced by minicomputers such as the PDP-11.

The 16-bit 68K had a 32-bit architecture, ISA. It is hard to believe that the 68K was sold as a 16-bit machine, competing against other 16-bit machines when it was a true 32-bit machine. It was a 16-bit machine only in the sense that the data bus was 16 bits wide. Registers and many interal operations (addition, logical, shifting) were all 32-bit.

The 68K initially enjoyed considerable success. It was chosen for Sun workstations, the Apple Macintosh, the Amiga, and the Atari computers. Sega adopted the 68K for its Mega Drive Console. Like other companies, Motorola produced new versions of the 68K family with ISA enhancements and greater speed. However, the 68K did not thrive. IBM’s PC based on Intel’s IA32 architecture became dominant. Even Apple eventually adopted the IA32 architecture. The 68K lives on today as a microcontroller family marketed by Freescale Semiconductor.

Why the 68K?

The 68K became very popular in the world of computer architecture education and, for many, it was the preferred means of introducing the ISA to students. The reason for this is simple. The 68K architecture is very easy to teach and it’s very easy to understand. It’s architecture is regular (but not perfectly so) and it has some very interesting attributes such as prioritized, vectored interrupt-handling, user and supervisor operating modes, and twin stack pointers.

Moreover, Motorola created a large amount of teaching material for the 68K and several simulators were freely available in the public domain, which made the 68K an ideal vehicle for class use.

However, because the 68K has dropped out of fashion today, it is no longer feasible to use it as a teaching vehicle in many architecture/organization courses today.  I have included this section on the 68K because it is interesting; it played a significant role in the history of computing; it is easy to understand, and because it probably represents the high-point of CISC ISA development.

The 68K Simulator

An important reason for including this section is that an excellent 68K assembly and simulator for teaching use is available. The software is called EASy68K and was developed and maintained by Professor Charles Kelly at the Monroe County Community College in Michigan. There is a web site devoted to EASy68K which is distributed under the GNU public use licence. You can download the editor and simulator as a Windows-based package from its website or from here (using the version I downloaded on 5 March 2013).

EASy68K is easy to use. You first edit a 68K program and then run it in simulation mode. Like the ARM and MIPS simulators, you can step through a program instruction by instruction and observe the way in which registers and memory change as a program is executed.

Introduction to the 68K ISA

The 68K has 16 32-bit general-purpose registers. D0 to D7 are eight data registers and A0 to A7 are eight address or pointer registers. Contrast this with a RISC’s R0 to R15 where all registers are equal (expect, in the case of the ARM where r14 and r15 have special roles). The 68K’s data registers are used in all data processing operations. The address registers are used only as pointers.

Differences Between Address and Data Registers

A data register can take part in 8-, 16-, of 32-bit operations. These are called byte, word, and longword, respectively, in 68K literature. Instruction mnemonics append .B, .W. or .L  to indicate the size of an operand. When you perform an operation on a data register, the bits taking part are the least-significant 8 or 16 bits, and the bits not taking part are unaffected. They are not set to zero.

Operations on data register automatically update condition code bits (unlike the ARM, no special update suffix is necessary).

Address registers are pointers and can only take part in addition, subtraction, and comparison operations. Moreover, operations on address registers do not affect condition codes (apart from compare). You can apply only 32-bit and 16-bit operations to an address register. The result of a 16-bit operation is always automatically sign-extended to 32 bits. In other words, addresses are 32-bit values.

Instruction Formats

The 68K has a classic CISC multilength format; that is an instruction can be as short as two bytes (16 bits) or 10 bytes (80 bits). Instructions can have zero, one, two, or three operands. The 68K ISA supports register-to-register, register-to-memory, memory-to-register, and memory to memory operations.

The 68K is one of the few processors that supports an operation like MOVE.B P,Q which copies the contents of memory location P to memory location Q. Addresses P and Q can be full 32-bit absolute addresses.

Equally, you can write MOVE.B (A1),(A2) that moves the contents of the memory pointed at by A1 into the location pointed at by A2. Finally, you can write MOVE.L #$12345678,P which moves the 32-bit constant 0x12345678 into memory location P.

Typical data processing operations are:

ADD.B  D0,D1    



SUB.W  #5,D7


AND.L  D6,D0

OR.B   #%01111000,D4

MULU   D2,D3

ADD.B  #4,(A0)

ADD.B  (A1),D0    

As you can see, typical arithmetic and logical operations are supported and that the source may be a literal, register or memory location, and the destination a register or memory location.

Simple 68K Program

Let’s look at a simple 68K program that reads two values from memory, adds them and stores the result. The following fragment of code conforms to typical 68K conventions in program layout and the use of 68K assembler directives.  It is not that dissimilar to an ARM program.

       ORG    $400         ;Start of program area

       MOVE.B Value1,D0    ;Load D0 from memory

       MOVE.B Value2,D1

       ADD.B  D0,D1        ;Add D0 to D1

       MOVE.B D1,Result    ;Store the sum in memory

       STOP   #$2700       ;Stop execution

       ORG    $1000        ;Start of data area

Value1  DC.B   12           ;Store “12” in memory

Value2  DC.B   24

Result  DS.B   1            ;Reserve a byte for “Result”

       END    $400         ;End of program and entry point

The ORG (origin)  is an assembler directive that defines the point at which the following instructions and data are to be loaded in memory. In this case the program starts at 0x400 (by convention because memory space from 0x0000 to 0x3FF is used to store exception vectors). The second ORG statement indicates that data is to be loaded in memory from location 0x1000 onward.

As in the case of ARM, anything beginning in the first column is a lable. In this case, Value1 is a label for address location 0x1000 where the value 12 is stored as one byte (the assembler directive DC.B reserves one byte and gives it the value 12). Similarly Value2 DC.B 24 stores the value 24 in memory location 0x1001. Finally, Result DS.B 1 reserves 1 byte at location 0x1002 and this location is called “Result”.

The 68K can use absolute or direct addresses. Hence,  MOVE.B Value1,D0 means copy the contents of memory location Value1 into the low-order 8  bits of data register D0. Value1 is 0x1000 and the contents of this location is 12 which will be copied into D0.  The following instruction loads the contents of Value2 into D1 and the third instruction adds D0 to D1 and puts the result in D1. Note that two-operand instruction uses the second operand as both source and destination.

The  MOVE.B D1,Result instruction copies the result in D1 to memory location Result.

The 68K has an explicit halt instruction called STOP that usually takes the parameter $2700 (this parameter is loaded into the processor status word).

Shift Instructions

Recall that the ARM does not have explicit shift instructions; the second operand is fed through a barrel shifter and can be shifted on its way to the ALU. A typical operation is ADD r0,r1,r3, LSL #4. Where the contents of register r3 are shifted left four times and then added to register r1 and the result deposited in register r0. You can also express the number of shifts dynamically, making this a four register operation.

The 68K provides a comprehensive set of shift operations; logical, arithmetic, rotate (circular), and rotate through the extend bit (the extend bit is a copy of the carry bit). Typical shift operations are:

 LSL.B   #4,D0     ;shift the contents of the lower order byte of D0 left logically by 4 places

 LSR.W   #8,D1     ;shift the contents of the lower order 16 bits of D1 right logically by 8 places

 ASL.B   #1,D2     ;shift the contents of the lower order byte of D2 left arithmetically by 1 place

 ASR.L   #7,D0     ;shift the contents of D0 right arithmetically by 7 places

 ROL.L   #6,D4     ;rotate the contents of D4 left  by 6 places

 ROR.B   D2,D0     ;rotate the contents of the lower order byte of D0 right by the value in D2

 ROXL.W  #4,D6     ;rotate the contents of D6 left through eXtend left logically by 4 places

 ROXR.L  D3,D1     ;rotate the contents of D1 right through eXtend by the value in D3

 LSL.W   P         ;shift the contents of the word at location P logically left by one place

These examples demonstrate:

1. You can use .B, .W, or .L extensions.

2. You can shift by a fixed number of places ( 1 to 8) or by a variable number of places.

3. You can apply a shift directly to a memory location. However, the  shift must be one place.

Bit Manipulation Instructions

The 68K allows you to operate  on the bits of a register. You can test the value of a bit, set it, clear it, or toggle it. Consider the following:

 BTST   #4,D0     ;test the value of bit 4 of D0. If zero, set the Z-bit of the CCR

 BTST   D1,D0     ;test the value of the bit of D0 whose position is specified by D1. If zero, set the Z-bit of the CCR

 BSET   #21,D3    ;set the value of bit 21 of D3 to 1

 BCLR   D2,D7     ;clear the value of the bit of D7 whose position is specified by D2 to 0

 BCHG   #8,D3     ;toggle the value of bit 8 of D3 (i.e., set it to its complement)

  BCHG   #2,P      ;toggle the value of bit 2 of memory location P

These operations can be applied to the entire contents of a data register (the .L extension is not needed). The operations can also be applied to the 8 bit contents of a memory location. You can perform all these actions in an ARM environment by using standard logical operations.

Addressing Modes (Link)

Addressing modes are concerned with the way in which we specify the location of an operand. In 68K literature you write an operation like CLR <ea> to indicate the instruction clear that sets the contents of the effective address to zero. The notation <ea> indicates effective address and stands for any legal address mode that this instruction may use. The 68K has rather more addressing modes than RISC processors like the ARM or MIPS. Follow this link for more details on addressing modes.

User/supervisor modes

The 68K family has an interesting feature; it’s twin operating modes called user and supervisor. For a short article on this aspect of the 68K follow this link.

68K user/supervisor modes